
What Are Some Mistakes That Make Your Thesis a ‘Bad’ Thesis?

The thesis is the last main document that has to be submitted when the degree program is about to be completed. However, there is a need to check if the thesis is good enough to be submitted to the supervisor. Many elements need to be seen and checked to see if the supervisor would be happy enough with the final thesis. It is very much evident that the final grading of the thesis is based on the overall comments of the supervisor. This is the point when it needs to be decided if the thesis is good or bad.  What makes the thesis bad or vulnerable enough to be rejected? Here are some elements that make the thesis too bad to be rejected.

  1. The importance of the thesis statement is very well known. The overall and complete power of the thesis is embedded in the thesis statement. Some of the main elements of the weaker thesis statement include broader claims, restating facts, mentions personal bias and makes false claims. The stronger thesis statement is the ones that are brief, are free from any personal claims, state proper research facts. Some of the main examples are as follows;

Weaker thesis statement: I am going to write about the concerns of Darwin about the evolution of species.

Strong thesis statement: the concern of Darwin with the Survival of the Fittest leads him to ignore one of the main principles of the nature and his theory of evolution.

  1. The element of plagiarism is one of the main elements that clearly leads to the rejection of thesis. The content that is taken for the thesis is the one that should be referenced in a proper manner. The quotations need to be enclosed in the quotation marks. Proper citations should be given in the end.
  2. The referencing and the writing styles that have been laid down by the university need to be followed. If on the contrary, it leads to the cancellation or even the rejection of the thesis. The referencing styles are usually mentioned by the guidelines of the university itself.
  3. The topic of the thesis needs to be brief and to the point. In most of the cases, it has been seen that the university guidelines mention the number of words that need to be allocated to the topic itself. These need to be followed in an accurate manner.

The word count of the individual chapters should be allocated in a proper manner. The word counts are in accordance with the overall weight of the chapter in the thesis. In most of the case, the greatest weight is that of the chapter of the literature review. The introduction is the chapter that needs to be brief. This chapter has many subsections. The chapter of the literature review is detailed and has no subsections. Thereby this is the main chapter that is much longer and more detailed as compared to the other chapters