
Best format and tips on writing a personal statement

The personal statement is the most important and crucial part of a university application. It is your chance to show what are your unique skills, what are your strength and why should you get admission in the particular university in a certain program. In a personal statement, you have to convince your university that you are the best applicant and they should give you admission. In order to convince the university your personal statement must be good. Following are the tips that you can follow to make your personal statement more unique and inspiring.

Tips To Make a draft

A personal statement is consisting of 4000 words. Start writing your first draft without the character count, when the character count will be turned off, you will be able to write your ideas and things more openly and without panic and stress. When you are done with the writing the draft, you can further refine it according to the word count limit.

Take your time

Do not rush while writing a personal statement. A good personal statement will not be ready in a couple of hours or even days. It will take more than a month, so be patient and complete the personal statement at a steady pace.

 Find the perfect words and expressions

Use the words that are more professional and elegant. For example, if you use ‘accomplish’ rather than ‘do’, or ‘presume’ rather than ‘think’. English is an international language and it could be difficult but with proper research and knowledge, you can tackle it well.

 Concentrate on your strengths

In a personal statement think that you are selling yourself to the university. A perfect product proposer is all about how great that thing is, and it’s the same with your personal statement. You should write about your experiences, your knowledge, and your future plans. You should NOT write, “I wanted to learn Spanish but I gave it up after a week” or “I am not very good at math’s, but I think this is understandable since I hate it so much.”

Find the perfect opening sentence

Starting with something funny, interesting, unusual or surprising will give a good first impression. A perfect opening statement will be random and it will hit your mind randomly. Do not think too much of an opening statement.

Make it your own work

Your personal statement should be your own voice, ideas, and experiences. Do not read anyone’s personal statement as it would influence your ideas and qualities. Write about yourself in your own words, in this way your personal statement will be unique.

Be Honest With Yourself and work

Do not write anything in which you are not good. If you are good, you are good the way you are. There is no need to create a false image, and indeed the truth will always come out sooner or later.

Get someone to proofread your statement

Get the feedback on your statement. The more you will show it to people the more you will get feedback and better the final version of your personal statement would be. You can show your statement to your parents, teachers, friends and anyone whom you think is an expert.


The personal statement usually has the following steps

  • The beginning of the statement should be very attractive and be grabbing
  • From this attention-grabbing beginning, build a well-structured and dramatic narrative
  • Use the specific examples, showing the important traits of your personality
  • Provide the clear reasons and thoughtful analysis why you should be admitted to the university