
The Benefits And Rules Of Notetaking

A systematic way that is adapted to write down some important pieces of information is known as notetaking. You can take notes during lectures, during a classroom discussion, and during reading the data from a web or a particular book. A notetaking is considered an essential skill of the students. Its reason is that they have to integrate a lot of information from the different resources like textbooks, labs, seminars, lectures, and classroom discussions. This thing is possible only if you have impressive notetaking techniques. If you don’t have impressive notetaking techniques, then you can get help from academic writing services. There are a lot of methods are adopted by the students for the purpose of notetaking. The most popular notetaking methods are concept mapping, the Cornell method, matrix notetaking, paper or laptop notetaking, integration, and notetaking from readings.

Rules for notetaking

Before going to get an idea about the notetaking rules, you should try to get an about the essential steps that are involved in the notetaking. These steps are to be prepared for the notetaking, to pay attention and listen well, to prepare an outline, to stick to the essentials, and to review your notes. After getting an idea about the steps that are involved for notetaking, the next step is to get an idea about the rules for the notetaking. These rules are explained below;

1)    You should try to provide continuity to notes by looking at the notes that you have prepared in the previous lecture.

2)    You should try to prepare your notes in a clear way. There is no need to write each and every word that is spoken by your teacher.

3)    You should also try to note all of those key terms and ideas that are explained before the lecture.

4)    Once, your teacher has delivered the lecture, then you should try to take a review of the notes and try to compare your notes with your fellows.

5)    You should try to avoid all the confusions from your notes. For this reason, you should try to write all the abbreviations of those technical terms that are not easily understandable for you.

6)    While notetaking, never forgets the five Rs of notetaking. The five Rs of notetaking are recorded, reduce, recite, reflect, and review.

Benefits of notetaking

No doubt, there are numerous benefits of notetaking besides to keep a record of your lectures or other classroom activities. These benefits are explained below;

1)    Notetaking is helpful for the students to keep themselves alert during the lecture.

2)    While taking notes during the class, you will have to listen to each and every word of your teacher in a careful manner. This thing will become a cause of increasing the engagement level of students in the class.

3)    With the help of notetaking, the students will be able to emphasize and organize the information in a well-managed way.

4)    The information that is organized with the help of notetaking will become a cause to create a condensed record of study for the students.

5)    The effective notetaking skills are also helpful for the students to increase creativity among the students.