Write a Supplemental Essay for College Admission

How to Write a Supplemental Essay for College Admission

Supplemental essays can be best defined as additional pieces of writing that are required by highly reputable and recognized universities such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford. These supplemental essays are very important and required by the academic institute as a part of the main personal statement for the common applications that give admission officers the chance to get to know the potential candidates better. The main idea behind these supplemental essays is choosing the best students for admission as competition is on the rise. With the rise in population, the number of students seeking admission to prestigious academic institutes is also rising but told by an essay writing service, these academic institutes do not want to take every tom, dick and harry.


They want to take the crème a la crème that provides the admission committee to see who is the best candidate and will prove to be the best for their organization.  Supplemental essays are shorter than the college essays that students are asked to write during their academic years but this does not make them any less important. Some colleges or universities ask for just one supplemental essay while others may require several depending on their admission policies. However, most of them require at least one additional essay to check out the capabilities and comprehension of those who seek to move forward academically.


How to Put Together a Supplemental Essay:

Most of the college applicants fail to put together and submit a top quality and impressive supplemental essay because they lack good research and writing skills and do not know how to put together the thoughts and ideas into a meaningful text. When the students are unable to put adequate time and efforts into a supplemental essay, it can result into a weak paper that does not serve the purpose and even becomes an obstruction to admission in their favorite college. When we talk about supplemental essays, we must understand the main purpose behind them and what students should write a best personal statement in these essays to make sure they are able to convince the admission committee that they are indeed the perfect choice.


The most frequently asked question that students are asked to answer in their supplement essay is “why us”. The college committee wants to know why the student is really applying to this institute, what programs they plan to choose, what are their career goals and aims and how students plan to achieve these goals. Another frequently presented prompt is asking students to write about their passion or what is their dream job and why.  Supplemental essays based on this type of prompt are meant to take a good look into the students’ mindset and to see if they would really prove to best and exemplary students that the college seeks. Key points to remember when writing a supplemental essay for college admission are given below:

  • Tell admission officers something they do not know already to keep the interest factor high and to impress them with your ability to think out of the box
  • Make sure that you do not talk about irrelevant or unimportant details that will not impress the admission office; focus on details that will make them want to meet you in person
  • Do not exceed the given word count as it might not be eligible for submission or you might end up annoying the admission officer as he or she will not have that much time to go through each and every essay with so many other essays to read
  • Keep a track of the submission date as you do not want to miss the big day and end up spoiling all the efforts and hard work you have made just because you were not careful enough to keep an eye on calendar
  • Make sure to read the question or the prompt very carefully and understand it well before beginning to write the essay; it is important because the admission officer is looking forward to a precise and specific essay and not ramblings which could spoil your chances of success
  • When answering specific prompts like ‘why us’, ‘what will you bring to the college’ or ‘tell us about your extracurricular activities’, make sure to stick to the facts, discuss why are you choosing the college and focus on specific aspects due to which you are making this decision


The best way to come up with a supplemental essay is to be original and agile, understand the importance of knowing more about the college where you are applying and express yourself well, showcasing your personality with words. It is because supplemental essays are the best way with help of which admission officers get to know students, judge their interest in academics and determine if the students deserves the admission. It is essential to focus on writing the most impressive essay to seek admission in college of your dreams for a satisfying academic and fulfilling professional career.